Friday, 7 September 2007

1 Day = 1 Kg - The secret of a good start!

Weight morning: 116,2 Kg

Day 1 - 6th sep 07

6:00 Breakfast :Crepes taste bacon & cheese + coffee +water +pills (Omega 3+Magnesium+Thyroid)
13:45 Lunch :Choccolate drink + salad leaves + water + pills (magnesium & Potassium Chloride)
18:00 Snack :Choccolate bottle
20:00 Dinner :Tajine soup + Salad leaves + pills (Omega 3+Magnesium)

First day has been very good , no problem with being hungry and the taste of the prepared food is not too bad.
I have to figure out how to best approach eating this at work and better distribute within the will have pizza (yeah..but not the real pizza..the PP, protein pizza) and a drink in late afternoon.

Yesterday "Il Maestro" died, it's a really sad news, he was one of the greatest and the world will miss him and his unique voice.

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